Australian Visa Professionals

Australian Visa Professionals is a long-standing migration practice with offices in Brisbane, Perth, Ireland and Manila.

AVP specializes in providing visa solutions for individuals and industries alike. Whether you are a skilled worker, business owner, family member, student, or simply intend to visit Australia, AVP are able to provide tailored migration advice. Our services include co-coordinating the entire visa application process, including supporting applications such as skills assessments and police clearances.

Service delivery is our overriding objective, and this will manifest itself in our interaction with you. AVP will provide streamlined handling of your visa and immigration matters, attention to detail, and tailored expert advice. We have a strong professional relationship with the relevant agencies, and are dedicated to representing your best interests in all our dealings with these organisations.

Our predominant interest is helping you to achieve your visa needs. We understand the time pressures and practical issues that arise when relocating to a new country. AVP strives to be at the forefront of the migration industry, staying abreast of changes that are likely to affect our clients, communicating realistic time frames, and introducing service standards that provide our clients with a clear understanding of their migration pathway.

Business services